Title: Need a Solid Beater for Son!!! Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 06, 2003, 09:53:05 am My son is in search of a CHEAP (cheap) decent car. Something that can be safetied fairly easily and is in good mechanical (engine) shape. He would prefer a 4 door standard.
If anyone runs accross one, please advise. Did I say CHEAP???????? hehe! Gary Title: Re:Need a Solid Beater for Son!!! Post by: fiero308 on April 06, 2003, 12:12:12 pm hi Gary
I know of a Neon with fairly high mileage; I think in the 275K range; and it needs a motor. I think everything else is good tho. If this fellow is still going to get rid of it he probably would sell it for peanuts; he doesn't want to have to pay to take it away. I can ask him tomorrow at work.... Don't know if it is still avail or not. I also know of a 96 Sunbird GT that I think also needs a motor but again the rest is in good or very good shape. Don't know recent status but same sort of situation. I will ask to see if they are still around or not. THAT doesn't cost anything. Graeme Title: Re:Need a Solid Beater for Son!!! Post by: dguy on April 07, 2003, 10:22:12 am Oh, you mean a car!
After reading that subject line I thought you were looking to hire a big guy to beat your son for you. ;D Title: Re:Need a Solid Beater for Son!!! Post by: FieroBUZZ on April 07, 2003, 11:56:06 am Don't tease me!
I think he has found an old Toyota that he can manage the insurance on. ::) Thanks, guys. |