Title: Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: Sentinel on April 21, 2003, 04:40:55 pm The Ontario Government has introduced Bill 241 designed to improve road safety in the province. The intent of this bill is admirable: to make our roads safer for all citizens. The proposed bill does contain some good ideas, including: Mandating booster seats for children, increased fines for speeding in construction zones, and legislating the left lane for passing only. Hidden within Bill 241 however, is section 172.2 that will directly effect those of us who enjoy modifying vehicles. This section, introduced to stop illegal street-racing, is so vaguely worded it could ban all modified cars from Ontario roads. The offending portion reads as follows: 172.2 (1) No person shall drive or permit to be driven on a highway a motor vehicle with a prescribed part, containing a prescribed substance or equipped with perscribed equipment in perscribed circumstances. Parts 2 through 8 describe the methods available to the police to enforce this legislation, the penalties and the evidence required. 172.2 (9) the Lieutenant Governor in council may make regulations, (a) perscribing substances, parts and equipment commonly used in racing for the purpose of this section; (b) perscribing circumstances for the purpose of subsection (1); (c) exempting any class of persons or vehicles from any requirement or provision of this section or of any regulation made under this section, perscribing conditions for any such exemptions and perscribing different requirements for different classes of persons or vehicles In essence, if Bill 241 is passed as written, it will allow the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to decide which items are illegal without consultation. Ontario citizens will not be allowed to drive any vehicles that feature items on the government's 'Black List', regardless of whether the driver is a street racer or not. The vague wording of this section means that potentially any changes made to your vehicle may be deemed illegal once this bill has been passed. I could be fined, jailed & have my equipment deystroyed? If this legislation passes, you will be at risk of being fined, jailed, and having the offending equipment ripped off your vehicle and destroyed. A portion of Bill 241 states: (2) A police officer exercising his or her powers under section 82 may take or cause to be taken a sample of any substance from a motor vehicle to determine whether or not the motor vehicle contains a prescribed substance. (3) A police officer exercising his or her powers under section 82 may, (a) remove any prescribed substance, part or equipment from a vehicle and dispose of them, or cause their removal and disposal, at the cost and risk of the driver and owner, who are jointly and severally liable; or order the driver or owner of the vehicle to remove any prescribed substance, part or equipment from a vehicle and disposed of appropriately. If those items "commonly used in racing" are found on your vehicle you will be presumed guilty of street racing, and either fined a minimum of $200 up to a maximum of $1,000; or receive up to 6 months in jail; or both. This is in addition to having those items removed from your vehicle and destroyed. Does having a roll cage in your vehicle make you a street racer? What about 5 point seat belts? Fire extinguishers? Will the Ontario government punish Ontario drivers for making their vehicles safer than when they came from the factory? The effects of Bill 241's section 172.2 on law abiding enthusiasts and businesses will be considerable. This legislation has the potential to do the exact opposite of it's stated goal of stopping street racing. Weekend enthusiasts unable to drive their vehicles to the track, will be forced to buy trailers or sell their cars. Fewer racers will cause some racetracks, and organizations, to go out of business. Racers unable to legally race their vehicles will be more tempted to street race. This bill will not stop street racing. There is nothing to stop someone from racing their parents bone-stock commuter car. Rental cars are also perfectly good street racing vehicles, and we won't even discuss stolen vehicles. What can we do about this proposed legislation? It's time to make our voices heard! You can start by signing an online petition. This is a good start, but online petitions are not taken as seriously by politicians as the direct voices of the people who elect them. Write your MPP and tell them how you feel. Don't know who your Member of Provincial Parliament is? No problem, just visit: Elections Ontario, where you can find the name and address of your M.P.P. Politely and thoughtfully write, fax or e-mail your concerns and opinions now, before it is too late. Who to Contact: Hon. Norm Sterling, M.P.P. Transportation Minister 77 Wellesley St., Third Floor Ferguson Block Toronto ON M7A 1Z8 T: 416-327-9200 F: 416-327-9188 E: norm_sterling@ontla.ola.org Hon. Ernie Eves Premier of Ontario Main Legislative Building Room 281, Toronto ON M7A 1A1 T: 416-325-1941 F: 416-325-3745 E: webprem@gov.on.ca Your Member of Provincial Parliament Find your MPP online at Elections Ontario Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: Fieroflyer on April 21, 2003, 07:45:28 pm Did a little checking into this ahead of time, the main things will be aftermarket add ons and home made mods. Mainly they are trying to go after the ricers and mustangs who like the use of nos and other types of enhancements. Aftermarket superchargers and turbo chargers will be targeted but factory stuff will be allowed for now at least. Basically as long as we do not bring bad attention down upon ourselves we will be ok. The way it was described to me was all those add ons that say not for street use are not for street use period. Next time you are in a speed shop look closely at the packages and quite often you will see the words, not for street use.
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: WillEV on April 21, 2003, 08:22:00 pm As far as I know the bill has been put on hold. Thetre is an online petition you can sign
http://www.petitiononline.com/sect1722/petition.html 12000 so far have signed Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: fiero308 on April 21, 2003, 08:58:45 pm hi Dan; I am afraid I don't have much optimism in laws being interpreted in my favour; if there is room for interpretation it will go the way the 'Official party" (ie cop?) decides to interpret it, and they will let you go to court to fight it out.
I have a basic problem with someone else deciding and legislating what I can and cannot buy as long as that something does not make my car unsafe. It smacks of being unconstitutional. I have NO problem with arresting and charging and punishing people for unsafe "behaviour" (as in actions - speeding, cutting off, dangerous driving in general) but this goes way, way beyond that. Maybe we should all be driving electric/gas hybrids - after all, that DOES make sense and is most environmentally friendly, right? Why not just make it a law? Seems simple to me.......... NOT lol'ing here........... We have 49 people registered in this club. We can each send an email to at least 3 provincial politicians telling them that they just ensured 49 votes for the provincial liberal party. That would mean something. Then the ricers (all 10 billion of them) do the same. And all the car clubs could actually get noticed a bit. I don't ever ever get into this stuff, but I am ready to on this one. And it would be a mistake to assume that 'they mean well' even when we all know what the intent is on this one - the ridiculous street racers. They will have to find (legislate) a different way. my 3 cents. >:( >:( >:( Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: Sentinel on April 21, 2003, 09:18:14 pm It's the lack of definition that is a real concern. I mean what would they do send all officers on mechanic courses. All cruisers would come equipped with and engine hoist. Certainly hope the bill dies if it hasn't already.
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: fiero308 on April 21, 2003, 09:33:19 pm I signed. number 12,xxx something.
We need 25,000 signatures tho for it to register. Where are all the Honda Civic owners?????????????????? ??? ::) Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: dguy on April 22, 2003, 09:13:40 am 12,144 when I signed it just now...
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: JetJumper on April 22, 2003, 04:19:46 pm 12161 Signatures Total just now.
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: x-thumpr-x on April 22, 2003, 04:40:50 pm This petition still gong around I see. I'm at 182 :P I think this is completely nuts. There have been fast cars for a long time. The government is going over the top with this. How many cars out there are all spruced up and rarely driven? This bill goes through, No more import fest, speedo-rama and other shows of simular. Most of these shows are modified imports nowadays, and the cars are driven to them.
Like I said in the petition: To Quote a famous comedian "There is no bad words, Just bad thoughts!"... so change the way people think for a safer tomorrow. Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: WillEV on April 22, 2003, 04:52:39 pm This petition still gong around I see. I'm at 182 :P I think this is completely nuts. There have been fast cars for a long time. The government is going over the top with this. How many cars out there are all spruced up and rarely driven? This bill goes through, No more import fest, speedo-rama and other shows of simular. Most of these shows are modified imports nowadays, and the cars are driven to them. Like I said in the petition: To Quote a famous comedian "There is no bad words, Just bad thoughts!"... so change the way people think for a safer tomorrow. I'm in the top 10 ;D Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: Sentinel on April 22, 2003, 10:37:59 pm Honestly officer, the Turbo just went nuts.
So such thing a bad mods, just dumb drivers, take away every possible mod and you'll still have kids racing their mom's Corolla. Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: x-thumpr-x on April 23, 2003, 12:06:36 pm "Quick to my MOM's minivan!" ;D
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: fiero1 on April 23, 2003, 02:09:36 pm Just sign the petition # 12173 even though i live in the Belle Province, the province on occasions will follow in Ontario's foot steps on the Hwy laws :-\
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: WillEV on April 23, 2003, 02:18:55 pm "Quick to my MOM's minivan!" ;D That should read " Quick Batman to the Batvan" Yes unlike the flashy Batmobile the Batvan blends in with other vehicals, So Batman and Robin can get the jump on the crime. No you won't see any flashy gadgets in the Batvan, but heres a list of crime fighting mods: Cold air freeze - simular to A/C but when turn up can freeze the crimials on the spot. Seat belts - used to imobilize the bad guys when caught Mega headlight - Used to blind the bad guys or anyone who happens to look at them. Air Pillows - Like air bags they're used to protect our heros. The Receiver - Like most radios can be use to modavate our hero's. Sticky seats - yes thier leather, but on those hot days when theives try to steel the Batvan, thier legs and butts will stick to the seats, easy pickings for our crime fighters. Three chees for bill 241...NOT Yeah I know I got to much time on my hand. Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: x-thumpr-x on April 23, 2003, 05:18:03 pm Air pillows? are our hero big breasted? hehehe
I cracked up laughing the first time i heard "Quick to my MOM's minivan" (from the movie "Dude, Where's my car?") All those teens in their bubble suits (http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/roflmao.gif) Way back when, my friend used to get his dad's minivan all the time and we cruised around town in it. LOL Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: dguy on May 06, 2003, 09:44:58 am There was something mentioned on The Bear's news about this earlier this morning, but I didn't catch enough of it to make any sense.
Anyone else have any current info? Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: WillEV on May 06, 2003, 10:03:32 am Yeah I heard something to that thier trying to pass the bill again. Here some more infor on it.
http://ogov.newswire.ca/ontario/GPOE/2003/05/05/c7991.html?lmatch=&lang=_e.html Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: dguy on May 06, 2003, 10:10:56 am The link WillEV posted is incomplete when brought up in my browser for some reason. Try this one (http://ogov.newswire.ca/ontario/GPOE/2003/05/05/c7991.html?lmatch=&lang=_e.html) if you're also having trouble.
Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: Sentinel on May 06, 2003, 06:49:56 pm http://ogov.newswire.ca/ontario/GPOE/2003/05/05/c7991.html?lmatch=&lang=_e.html (http://ogov.newswire.ca/ontario/GPOE/2003/05/05/c7991.html?lmatch=&lang=_e.html)
It is a new guy who is Transport minister now and it looks like they have toned down from the first draft, and appear to be focusing on Nitrous Oxide and increasing penalties to current laws, ones that could directly effect everyone are: regulating the amount of after-market tinting on front and side-front windows, so that drivers' vision is not obstructed, and to improve an approaching police officer's ability to see inside a vehicle. and if you street race9we hope not) cracking down on street racing by adding vehicle impoundment and driver's licence suspension--both for 48 hours--to the current tools available to police. This amendment also prohibits the use of a connected (functioning) nitrous oxide system on public roads; Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: dguy on May 07, 2003, 08:51:42 am I'm trying to find the full text of the current amendment, but not getting anywhere online.
That news release sounds more like a summary to me--and summaries by their very nature rarely tell the whole story. Title: Re:Hey 3.8 guys watch out....... Post by: fiero308 on May 07, 2003, 11:03:34 am I have read an online executive summary I expect, and it is probably one of the most broad-brush things I have ever heard of in my life. I guess they passed it around to all the members and they each had a shot at adding something.
Making laws via the MPP's chat-room and notice board, I would bet. I am NOT confident that this would be well-applied by any end-of-shift or otherwise PO'd cop who is tired, wet, cold, just dealt with some smart ass lawyer in his warm Lincoln and suddenly has a chance to pull over someone he KNOWS he can get (even with). Sorry to sound so down on the police; I support them and their role and importance wholeheartedly, but have seen them have their down days LOTS too, so I can't help but think this way now. I think we all need to start sending emails and letters if you can manage to your local MPP and to Queen's Park. I have started already with my local MPP and will keep after him for a response to show I am serious. I am not impressed with the range of this legislation and think it shows how poorly-thought through it really is. So I suggest that everyone start doing it. Bring up any point you can imagine why it is ridiculous and you will likely be right, or not far off. my 2 cents........ >:( >:( |