Title: Fiero Video Post by: JetJumper on July 21, 2002, 05:18:50 pm http://www.cowboysfringants.com/media/heavy_metal.mov
Title: Re:Fiero Video Post by: PeaceDawg on July 23, 2002, 09:35:58 pm Seems like I should go back to french class!! ;D
Title: Re:Fiero Video Post by: FieroDough on July 24, 2002, 10:12:13 am don't bother! :P the only good thing in that video is the Fiero! :P
Title: Re:Fiero Video Post by: JetJumper on July 24, 2002, 11:59:06 am I just posted this link for Alex. This was the Video that his fiero was supposed to be in but he could not make it happen. It is french and it SUCKS! (Ecept the Fiero)
Title: Re:Fiero Video Post by: FieroBUZZ on July 24, 2002, 01:24:44 pm Hey....I thought the mullets were cool and it was kind of catchy.
I can see them pulling in to the parking lot with Alex's bald tires and sliding thru the front door. ;D Title: Re:Fiero Video Post by: FieroDough on July 27, 2002, 10:18:12 am I'll get my bro to keep an eye out at canadian tire for a half descent used set for him. I know it's normal in Montreal. ::) but for god sakes get some thread in there! and don't try to use some of that spray on traction crap! I know you french guys! I am one! ;D
Cheers! Eric |