Title: ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: fiero1 on April 29, 2003, 11:39:23 am :-\Purchased an other vehicule early this month managed to make one payment @ then BANG!!!!!A young lady made a bad decission at the last minute.Turning left in front of me with no time to react.Minor injuries but peramedics checked us over an cleared everyone.But what freaked me out is the damage the air bag did to the other car when it opened it smashed the windsheild the impact was severe @ for some reason my air bag did not open may be defective at the time but after seing the results im glad it didn't my nose would've been pushed in behind my head :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: Boy-z on April 29, 2003, 11:42:38 am Glad to hear that you are ok...
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: fiero1 on April 29, 2003, 12:11:05 pm ;DThanks.............im just happy it wasn't my GT ::) ::)
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: WillEV on April 29, 2003, 02:05:00 pm Glad to see your o.k. I had a accident at the end of Feb and the air bags didn't deploy either?
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: dguy on April 29, 2003, 03:25:30 pm We discovered that the air bags in my wife's Sunfire worked when she parked her car downsideup in a ditch two Novembers ago. She hit quite hard though--damage to the car & terrain suggest pretty strongly that the RF corner bit in to the ground, and acted as a fulcrum for the rollover...
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: JetJumper on April 30, 2003, 08:08:15 am Well, glad to hear no one is hurt. If I was you, just sell the Air Bag Module. (The get a good price!!! like $4000+ in the US!) nah, you can't do that legally I think, maybe only if the car is from a scrap yard...but atleast everyone is ok!
Title: Re:ACCIDENT (air bags) Post by: Sentinel on April 30, 2003, 08:18:24 pm good to hear your ok