Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => Mods => Topic started by: Andrew on May 09, 2003, 11:10:05 am

Title: feeling left out of the MOD threads
Post by: Andrew on May 09, 2003, 11:10:05 am
last sunday took apart the driver side door because my power window was no longer working, seems the power wires had broken due to wear and tear and needed to be replaced then, after removing the old wires put in some new ones. Window now works properly.

And that folks is the modification I've now done to my car. two new wires aprox. 1 foot long each.

Next week,  waxing the exterior

there, now I feel more like a member of the club, I've actually done something to the car other change the oil and add gas to it   8)

Title: Re:feeling left out of the MOD threads
Post by: FieroBUZZ on May 09, 2003, 11:45:17 am
well, if it's any consolation, your car actually runs and drives.  You can feel smug, sit back and point and say [nelsonvoice]Ha..Ha![/nelsonvoice]  ;D

It sucks to be at this point of the swap.....

Title: Re:feeling left out of the MOD threads
Post by: Kevin on May 09, 2003, 08:50:40 pm
  Don't feel left out. There is something to be said for keeping it stock. Mine is simple, reliable, inexpensive and a bomb to drive around. I've have had mine ten years now and still enjoy it, I have added a few things to it, but it is the same car I bought in '93.