Title: Dream car Garage Cruise Post by: x-thumpr-x on May 29, 2003, 04:49:01 pm The O.F.A. is having a cruise "Dream Car Garage" to Legendary Motor Car Company. They currently have only 3 cars registered going to this and might have to be resecduled for anthor time. Is there anyone in the GTA willing to participate in this event? I Just signed up for this event. Just go to "register for show", no money needed (just the gas for your car and yourself)
From O.F.A. sit under fiero shows: http://clik.to/ofa June 14/2003 (Ontario Fiero Association) Fiero Tour to Legendary Motor Car Company (where the TV show Dream Car Garage is made) June 14/2003. We will leave Havelock at 9:00 am sharp to arrive at the Canadian Tire parking lot at Markham and Lawrence in Scarborough to meet up with some of our Toronto members, then proceed to Milton with a stop there for coffee, then on to Legendary Motor Car Title: Re:Dream car Garage Cruise Post by: FieroBUZZ on May 30, 2003, 01:36:48 pm Not a flame, but that seems an excellent turnout (100%?) as I thought there were only three members of the OFA.
Would be a nice cruise. Here there are several KIA dealers we could visit. Kind of a long trip for us from this area. |