Title: Fiero Post by: Boy-z on June 02, 2003, 10:19:37 pm Hi Guy's I brought my car to the shop today and the fiero that I saw or said that was for sale .The one that I was told it was a GT well it turns out that it is a 85 or 86 se it is a six cyl, five speed it is in pretty rough shape so I told the guy that I could possible get a buyer for 500 or 600 hundred and he said he was ok with that so if anyone is intrested let me know . it has a gt front on it, to me it would make a great parts car . so it's there for the taking. don't think it matters but it is gold in color
Title: Re:Fiero Post by: GoFast85 on June 03, 2003, 07:23:42 am What shop is it at?
Title: Re:Fiero Post by: chris on June 03, 2003, 07:37:24 am HEY IT'S CHRIS I AM GAME PHONE # 613-729-6327 OR 799-7797