Title: Charity Race for Cancer Post by: Sharky X on June 07, 2003, 10:41:32 pm Hey guys
I'm Sharky X from over on the JCO forum(Proud eastsider!) Anyways I had orrigionally intended to show up to your meet this evening to talk to some of you guys on this subject but unfortunately I went over to the Hooters out in Bells Corners thinking thats where you would be. At any rate this was actually an idea brought up by FieroDough(Eric) over on JCO, don't know how much talk has gone on about the idea over here but anyways. I've been working with the Canadian Cancer Society on the fundraising information etc for this event. Anyways, so I have all the forms etc from the cancer society to begin doing the work for this event, however I suppose I need to know when your next meet is to be able to distribute them. Any information you would like to know on what we've planned so far I would be more then happy to fill you in, and if anybody wanted to lend a hand, the help would be greatly appreciated. Also orrigionally we had planned to go to Luskville Dragway, but since they don't like to answer the phone or return messages we have to choose a new location. Has anybody here ever been to the Ottodrome? I need a bit of info on it and my of the JCO is at the bash this weekend. I personally have never been there, so thats why I ask. Or a better suggestion is always welcomed :) Anyways like I said, any info, or what not that ya want I would be more then happy to provide. Tim(Sharky X) Title: Re:Charity Race for Cancer Post by: FieroDough on June 08, 2003, 10:36:24 am Sorry! I forgot to tell you the location had changed from what I had least heard. :(
Is autodrome paved yet? Send Steeve (Sentinel) all the info and he can forward it to the club members. :) Wou are welcome to attend out next meet.! Cheers! Eric |