Title: hood vents Post by: Fieroflyer on June 16, 2003, 03:58:51 pm Definetely going to install some hood vents of some kind in the beast. Had her out last night showing off to a friend ( yes I know a stupid thing to do). Well we were flying along and all of a sudden the headlights popped up and the car started getting really light in the front end. Don't understand the speedo only read 90kmh at the time. Maybe the 3800SC is just a little too much for a stock Fiero so time to start making changes. Dan
Title: Re:hood vents Post by: 34FieroGT on June 16, 2003, 04:31:11 pm My headlights have only flown open once! I was passing an 18-wheeler on hwy 17, and I know I was going a lot faster than 90kph! ;D
Title: Re:hood vents Post by: Fieroflyer on June 16, 2003, 08:45:48 pm Oh I forgot to mention it was the second time around for the speedo. Minor detail. Dan
Title: Re:hood vents Post by: dguy on June 17, 2003, 09:02:52 am PFF's Rockcrawl has IMO the best looking hood vent out there.
Prices and pics used to be available here (http://www.fieroaddiction.com/extractor.html), but I'm receiving a 404 error when I try to load it now. :( In any case, when I last talked to him in late April, he was still working on quite a backlog of orders. Speaking of which, I need to give him a poke again to see how far up/down in the queue my order is. ;) Title: Re:hood vents Post by: FieroDough on June 17, 2003, 10:01:30 am Oh I forgot to mention it was the second time around for the speedo. Minor detail. Dan JEESUS! :o At that speed, I'm supprised the windshiled didn't pop up! :P cheers! Eric Title: Re:hood vents Post by: GoFast85 on June 17, 2003, 10:42:21 am dguy:
I would also be interested in the vents. I tried the link and it is no good. If you get ahold of him, just let me know the scoop (sic) Title: Re:hood vents Post by: fiero1 on June 17, 2003, 10:47:32 am I tend to agree i dont have a special power train in mine just the plain old 2.8 4 spd & i to fell the front end getting lighter as soon as i pass the 120 mark.I only do this once & a while to clean her up im not a speed junky, it has not seen much of the road this year except to the grocery store & back. :)