Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => General Chat => Topic started by: FieroDough on June 17, 2003, 12:16:27 pm

Title: Orleans cruise night this wendnesday!
Post by: FieroDough on June 17, 2003, 12:16:27 pm
Hey guys!
who is going to the cruise nigth this wendnesday?

I finish at 4:30! i can be there for approx 5pm. Woohoo! I the Sunfire! Umm.. boohooo... I miss my baby.. can somone let me sit in a GT? i need the thereapy. :P

On a side not to anyone who is going,
my bother is taking auto detailing courses and is REALLY REALLY GOOD! WoW! and while he is learning, he can do a full wash wax for approx $40 i think. (and were talking a sweet mirror finish! he uses mothers and meguiars pro stuff)

so you can get all spruced up beffore the show,

give him a call @ home, 837-3602 Ask for Dan.

He does my Sunfire and the Fiero. :)


Title: Re:Orleans cruise night this wendnesday!
Post by: Boy-z on June 17, 2003, 02:30:09 pm
Just wouldn't feel the same driving an 89 Mazda.So Listen Eric when are you going to have the car on the road.I am hoping for mine by the end off this week all depends on how fast the engine is done. At what stage are you with the 3800sc close or still a long way to go and Gary no word on his progress. as far as Orleans I doubt it for me but probably go by Cdn tire on Sunday. So let us know how the car is coming along.