Title: 2 Fiero's for sale Post by: Sentinel on June 21, 2003, 04:47:57 pm No not mine.... here are the details....
E-mail me back if you now someone who's interested.One is white and the other black.Great on gas!-4 cyl. Never winter driven. Brother-in-law up north in Campbellford (not too far from Ottawa) would like to sell them, very reasonable price for both! He needs to get them out where he has them stored by June 30. Anybody you know looking for these in the areas from Cobourg east thru to Ottawa? I'm actually e-mailing from Kitchener, I'm doing the dirty work, brother-in-law doesn't have a computer. let me know if you can the next couple of days! Heidi Jacewicz heidi.ho@sympatico.ca Title: Re:2 Fiero's for sale Post by: fiero308 on June 21, 2003, 04:55:02 pm years? models? auto/4 or 5 spd? condition; one good/one bad? accessories if any; missing parts if any; are they on the road (sounds like not)? if NOT, what do they need,........ etc etc - it will all help..... ???
good luck! 8) Title: Re:2 Fiero's for sale Post by: Gizmo on June 21, 2003, 09:42:38 pm Maybe!! :D ....need details