Title: No autox for me tomorrow Post by: Gizmo on June 21, 2003, 09:39:43 pm Got home, touched my discs on all four as I usually do as a habbit....drivers side rear warmer than usual. Pull wheels off, again (rotated wheels, cleaned the rims finally and worked on both the front and rear suspension yesterday), eyeing the collapsed el'cheap 101% crap rubber flex line I point and cuss at it. Being somewhat bored I powerbleed with my handy 115volt vaccum pump....Mmm nice, better than before, quick spin, worse. So I doubt I'll be running in the Autocross tomorrow, unless I can get a hold of 2 new rear flex lines right now!
Grrrrr.... :'( Title: Re:No autox for me tomorrow Post by: fiero308 on June 21, 2003, 10:51:26 pm you have a pm