Title: Wheels Post by: Boy-z on June 28, 2003, 08:24:57 am Tyler I am just wondering where did you pick up your wheels ,they are very nice.
Title: Re:Wheels Post by: 34FieroGT on June 28, 2003, 09:15:53 am Thanks Karl! I ordered them online from TireTrends. They're an online wheel/tire shop based in BC. Great customer service!
http://www.tiretrends.com tyler... Title: Re:Wheels Post by: FieroBUZZ on June 28, 2003, 09:33:50 am Nice rims Tyler! They really change the look of the car.
May I ask how Tire Trends are regarding shipping? I have emailed them twice re tires and gotten an acknowledgment of receipt, but no reply. Guess you need to phone them to get answered. ::) Title: Re:Wheels Post by: Kevin on June 28, 2003, 10:00:57 am I was wondering that myself.
Hey Gary, your back! Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy! Title: Re:Wheels Post by: Boy-z on June 28, 2003, 12:40:22 pm the buzzmizter So have you finished the roof and or the siding and concentrating on the hybrid now or what