Title: Is there a meeting sat Post by: Rebel on July 04, 2003, 09:35:19 pm where in what time I check the event calander
??? :) Title: Re:Is there a meeting sat Post by: Sentinel on July 04, 2003, 10:04:39 pm Event Cal on the main site:
http://members.rogers.com/ottawafiero/events.html (http://members.rogers.com/ottawafiero/events.html) and details: http://www.fierodrivers.com/forum/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=807 (http://www.fierodrivers.com/forum/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=807) Ok res at Hooters Bells Corners for 5pm for 10 under Steve. Although I'm a little concerned, when you do a search for Hooters Ottawa, the 7th option is Ottawa Fiero Club. ;D Might explain the sudden surge in membership mind you. Who is going to be there and do I need to make it more than 10, last meeting was the smallest turnout so I didn't want to overbook. |