Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => Sightings => Topic started by: Kevin on July 11, 2003, 09:14:42 pm

Title: Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: Kevin on July 11, 2003, 09:14:42 pm
  Saw an evil white Fiero GT (love the plates) parked at the body shop next to an red aero notchie, anyone we know?  As well I saw a red over gold GT on the way over there.

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: Sentinel on July 11, 2003, 09:56:58 pm
Geez becoming quite the little hot spot, is that the one near the ball diamonds?

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: FieroBUZZ on July 11, 2003, 10:32:05 pm
Geez becoming quite the little hot spot, is that the one near the ball diamonds?

I'm kinda old....I might go for nipple rings, but there's no damn way I'll sit still (no pun intended) for ball diamonds.

You youngsters are just warped.  ;D

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: Kevin on July 11, 2003, 10:35:42 pm
  Yes that is the one, 43 and South Gower rd. At least I assume its a body shop, I will have to drop in and say hi. We are just rife with fieros down here it seems.

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: BAchorn on July 15, 2003, 10:57:59 am
That's mine (the White one)! I was just geeting new drilled rotors put on, a must after the new rims (I needed a brake job anyways). When I registered the car they asked if I wanted the plates, they were having a hard time getting rid of them (ARLA-666). I told them that they were great, they just named my car, Evil Arla... and the rest is history.

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: Kevin on July 15, 2003, 12:47:16 pm
  Evil Arla are you going to the CTC cruise tonight? Kevin

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: BAchorn on July 15, 2003, 04:27:45 pm
I have been thinking about it. What time do people conjugate?

Title: Re:Evil Fiero Seen
Post by: Kevin on July 15, 2003, 05:07:35 pm
  It may start at 6:30 its usually 7-ish by the time we get ourselves organized.  LMK whats up, I just drop in for a look not to show off the car. Kevin