Title: ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: Boy-z on July 21, 2003, 03:35:42 pm SO WHAT'S THE WORD ARE YOU UP AND RUNNING YET.
Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: FieroDough on July 21, 2003, 03:46:40 pm Looks like she is on hold until next year... the wedding is fast approching and we ran into a financial snagg. :( I have 2 choices..
A: Complete the Fiero, neglect wedding, suffer for life. B: Neglect Fiero, complete wedding, leve to complete another Fiero. :P and drive said Fiero. :D So... in the long run it will all work out. I just miss the twisties so much.. :( Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: Boy-z on July 21, 2003, 03:49:45 pm Well that is not good.
Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: JetJumper on August 13, 2003, 11:17:24 pm hmm... Look at FieroDoughs Avatar. This isn't good. He is into Hondas now!!!!
Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: Kevin on August 13, 2003, 11:57:31 pm Oh boy, he's gone over to the dark side.
Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: Boy-z on August 14, 2003, 08:07:53 am Damn even his sign is turning on him. Eric be carefull,I see a big metal 4 foot wing growing out of your ass.
Title: Re:ERIC FIERODOUGH Post by: FieroDough on August 26, 2003, 08:44:01 am Dear God! please don't ever put a Honda logo on my sig again! shesh! I feel so dirty now!