Title: ATT'N: Rob in Belleville!! Post by: fiero308 on August 04, 2003, 02:45:21 pm hi Rob; wonder if you could do a favour pls; there is an annual dirt track race that is held in Belleville (motorcycles-at the fair grounds) and I am not sure if the closing of the fair grounds means there is no race or what. Do you think you could ask around a bit to see if there is one; if it is rescheduled or whatever????? Appreciate it. The B'ville official website leaves a lot to be desired in terms of tourist attractions and I can't find ANYthing on the 'net..... :-\ It was the same last yr; had to find out by word of mouth but it is GREAT racing (those guys and kids are NUTS!!!)
Again, thanks in advance for anything you can find out!!! 8) Title: Re:ATT'N: Rob in Belleville!! Post by: Rob on August 05, 2003, 03:20:40 pm I will try to find out.. it is probley around the Fair time maybe.... which is on the labour day weekend.. I think.. I will look into it for you.
Later; Title: Re:ATT'N: Rob in Belleville!! Post by: Rob on August 05, 2003, 03:26:33 pm Its happening August 9th, for more information call;
613-968-3266 Sorry That pretty close! Later; Title: Re:ATT'N: Rob in Belleville!! Post by: 2ML67 on August 05, 2003, 05:30:04 pm Darn thats just about 15 minutes up the road for me now, might just have to check it out.
OH yea I'm back moving almost complete. Dan |