Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => Mods => Topic started by: zebek on August 05, 2003, 05:46:44 pm

Title: Fiero Newbie
Post by: zebek on August 05, 2003, 05:46:44 pm
Hi Guys,

I am from Kingston ON, and am thinking about working on a fiero project. I just want to restore one, from a junker to a semi factory new appearance :)

There are a bunch of old fieros around here, and I have found an 85 V6, that is good only for the tires, and engine, everything else including the interior is in bad shape. I hae found a perfect 84 SE, but the engine is messed. Is there any clear step by step directions, or is it really hard to put a v6 from an 85 into an 84 SE?
Please help the newbie :)
Also, if anyone has some really good Fiero links, not the usual ones kicking around, that would be great!

Title: Re:Fiero Newbie
Post by: 2ML67 on August 05, 2003, 06:48:56 pm
The best way would be to use the entire V6 wiring harness head lights to tail lights and swap the fuel lines as well as the fuel pump. There is a shock mount stabalizer bolted from the block to the frame that the 84 frame will not have the holes for but a few minutes with a drill can fix that.
I am now located just south of Belleville if you like drop by and I will show you my 3800 Super Charged Fiero and try to explain in better detail your swap.
Oh yea and welcome to the forum. Dan

Title: Re:Fiero Newbie
Post by: zebek on August 05, 2003, 08:11:48 pm
Thanks Dan,
I'll see if my buddy who is really a car guy can swing by with me, how much did that setup with the 3800 supercharged engine cost you from start to finish, what is the best bang for the cheapest buck ?

Title: Re:Fiero Newbie
Post by: 2ML67 on August 06, 2003, 09:13:44 am
The series II 3800SC is definetely the best route in my opinion. There are other options but for power, reliability and ease of working on the 3800SC is the best engine available.
My setup cost me around $4,000 so far in parts, may do some more modding later but am very happy with her for now. Dan