Title: Orleans Show today Post by: FieroDough on August 07, 2002, 11:47:04 am Hey guys! I'm going to get some cones and go to the show early. I will save us some spots down below were the real action is at. :)
who is going? please make an effort to go! it starts at 4:30 lasts until 10pm. (you don't have to stay the whole time) cheers! Eric Title: Re:Orleans Show today Post by: FieroBUZZ on August 07, 2002, 05:03:20 pm I can't leave till after 6. I'm minding some baking for our trip. ;D
I am definately coming, even washed my engine a bit, Eric. I should get there by 7 or before. Title: Re:Orleans Show today Post by: Kevin on August 07, 2002, 06:02:47 pm Mmmm. Gary is baking and Eric is bringing cones for us I definitely will be there.
Title: Re:Orleans Show today Post by: FieroDough on August 08, 2002, 12:12:54 am HOOTERS! :P
I move that all Fiero meetings no be held at Hooters! ;D ;D I had a great time! who is meeting up at Hooters Stlaurent for the Hooters Girls pictures tomorrow? it will be at 4pm sharp. :) cheers! Eric Title: Re:Orleans Show today Post by: Boy-z on August 08, 2002, 08:19:35 am Damm I just got back from the East coast yesterday and I thought that the orleans meet was over I did not see it till around 8:30 so it was to late for me to get there. as far as the hooters pic shoot what is this all about.
Title: Re:Orleans Show today Post by: JetJumper on August 08, 2002, 09:34:49 am PLEASEEEE HELP ME! ;)
Me, Jose+ (His friend), Eric, Kevin, Dave + His Girl went to HOOTERS yesterday. It was a blast. Eric even got one of the Girls phone numbers :o (You Dawg you) hehe. Today, at 4:00PM Eric is heading there to get his picture taken with one or more of the girls. I might show, but Money is tight now and I got Parents to pay off ::) Anyway, thats what happen! (That we want to tell that is ;)) |