Title: Like...or No Like? Post by: FieroBUZZ on September 01, 2003, 10:44:16 am I've been working on a front end for mine. Still need to incorporate the Bonneville driving lights and pods, though. Something sort of like this.
Title: Re:Like...or No Like? Post by: 2ML67 on September 01, 2003, 11:33:43 am Would have to see it finnished to be sure but it does look promising. Dan
Title: Re:Like...or No Like? Post by: aaron88 on September 01, 2003, 02:20:46 pm Don’t forget to take into account “angle of approach”. It looks like there wouldn’t be much of a problem with small speed bumps with the one shown in the photo but trying to get into his driveway may be another story. The front of the Fiero (especially the GT front end) sticks out a long way from the front tires.
All I’m saying is watch out with this style, there may be a lot of parking lots that have ramps that are just too much for this front end. Aaron . |