I read some of that stuff. My head hurts.
It's odd that they claim all this warming is happening in the last 50 to 100 years. 35 years ago the big rage and debate was over global cooling. Something had to be done because another ice age was happening.
You's have to be retarded (or evidently a Liberal, NDP or Bloc politian) to think that closing a half dozen coal power plants while China builds 500 more is going to make a dent anywhere.
Not to mention sending billions (21 billion from Europe in 2006) to China, India and other countries which have not agreed to Kyoto, and are the worst polluters will do anything but destroy the economy of the west.
I have to recall that scientists (and ecologists) tend to fvck things up when left to their own devices. No seals hunted means now no fish left to catch. They wouldn't spray for spruce bud worm in Cape Breton (Elizabeth May is the culprit here) and now there is no source of pulpwood as the worms have eaten it all.
BTW don't drive your car. They said oil reserves would be exhausted in the 1990's. And since they are always right there is no more oil left.
Other favourites:
Sea level will rise by 7 meters
The polar ice in Antactica is melting because the temperature is going to rise by 2*C. From an average of about -42 F to -40 F
Not to mention scientists in Antarctica say the temp is dropping there, not rising.
Sure climate is changing....it always has before. But it sure isn't all man's fault and if they think we can control the weather when they can't even predict it 2 days in advance is a bit much.