hey Gary; if it helps any, I feel your pain (at least some.....

everything got put on hold while a new floor went in (in a huge hurry) and THAT cost money that seems to have come out of the fiero acct........

how did THAT happen? And now the OTHER floors don't look so good..... hmmmm....... where is THAT one going I wonder? And we really should paint...........
I am now spending my time "de-wiring" the Lumina (hey, I can do it for free!) so that hopefully I can transplant it into the little red car with minimal hassle. AFTER the engine is rebuilt and AFTER I get all the new stuff I will need to make the Getrag 284 work........ and of course I have to finish my suspension and brake changes and put a new clutch in and actually get the car certified and etested and oh, what about that turbo? Oh yeah.........

so there.
This has been an official publication of the "Misery Loves Company" Dept.
If you are really nice I will make you secretary.