Sounds like a shaky alternator. Add a capacitor to the circuit to filter out a bit of the giggle. Use the oscilloscope you don’t have to test for the right size filter.
I've thought about that, but unfortunately I don't have access to a 'scope. I'm slightly tempted to splice in one of the big capacitors that audio nuts & their thumper cars like to use, but most of them are a heck of an investment "just to try".
I may also try replacing the diode pack in the alternator even though it really isn't all that "old" at this point. I wouldn't expect a new diode set to start to fail so quickly, but sometimes shit happens.
I always have a hard time with adequate grounds
I'm going to try adding another engine-to-chassis ground & observe what happens, but I have my doubts that it will be effective. All of the major grounds were replaced with new cables when I installed the motor, and the connections were cleaned, dried, and goobered up with dielectric grease. I even replaced that flimsy 14 gauge ground at the transmission case with a 4 gauge cable.