Hey guys! Here is my check list of 3800sc swap parts. Let me know if I'm missing anything.
1 fiero
1 3800SC Series 1 (check)
1 ECU for above engine and harness
1 95'Camaro 3800 Flywheel grind down to fiero flywhell thikness. (check)
1 "Custom" engine mount (not check, still looking)
8 Custom flywhell bolts (not check, but know were to go.. )
2 Coolant hoses (not check, yet to measure)
#? Misc heater hoses. (buying a small roll of heater hose, check)
2 Fuel lines. (Not check, but I have a good idea there)
SET of solid cradle bushings
(not check, but must check
1 Clutch, (not check, still looking.. )
2 Long welding cables for battery relocation (not check)
1 Battery tray for battery relocation. (make my own, check )
anything else?