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Author Topic: Existential Question  (Read 2120 times)
« on: May 27, 2003, 10:00:01 pm »

Been wrestling with this question since 11am this morning.

How does one open the driver-side door to a Fiero if the inside and outside handle wont open it?

 Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool   Tongue  Tongue  Tongue   Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 10:24:42 pm »

I guess you are going to have to take the door panel off and get at the lock from there
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2003, 02:56:26 pm »

Been wrestling with this question since 11am this morning.

How does one open the driver-side door to a Fiero if the inside and outside handle wont open it?

 Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool   Tongue  Tongue  Tongue   Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool

*ponders at the thoth of using big evil tools*
« Last Edit: May 28, 2003, 02:57:28 pm by FieroDough » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2003, 07:47:50 pm »

  I had that happen to my Firebird. I had to remove the door panel and pry the latch to get the door open then replace the latch. I don't know think you can remove the inner panel on a Fiero with the door closed though. Eric has the idea, you may need to get medieval on it.

"Hammers are cool."

"Yeah, I like to take hammers, and just break stuff, just break stuff."

Beavis & Butthead

« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2003, 01:45:57 pm »

Did you ever figure out how to get in, Andrew?

I could'nt see a way other than at least making a hole in the panel.  Do the handles just flop or just can't get the catch to spring enough to open?
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2003, 08:13:20 pm »

I have now been completly sucked into the life of a hard core fiero owner.  After deciding to take kevins suggestion and rip apart the inside panel to get at the lock assembly, I approched my beloved sports car with a hammer, dremel saw and various screwdrivers and knives, as i got in the car I thought, maybe i'll try to get the panel off without destroying it. Guess what, said panel can be removed when the door is closed, <shrug> who knew? </shrug>.  after removing the lock assembly and inspecting it, then realizing that I had knowidea what the hell i'm looking for, took it to Turpin to get their opinion on the part and wether it coud be fixed or just buy a new one. At Turpin, after suffering a few snickers at the mention that its the lock assembly from a fiero (bastards) they looked at it and it was seized (whatever) and that the could order a new one for $268 if it existed (seems its been discontinued), bummed out, I went to Crappy Tire to see if they had one, and the answer was  ..... no, its been discontinued.

After some internal sobbing at the thought that my car would never have a working door again, but cheered at the thought that maybe I could  start entering and exiting car General Lee style, I had a brain storm, maybe oh maybe I could find a fiero at a autowreckers and get a new lock or door. not knowing if this would work, cause what are the chances that there will be a fiero in a junk shop (snicker,..... oh damn that snicker makes me a bastard)  I called around and found one out on Boundry Road, but the guy wouldn't sell me just the lock assembly.  So, since I was skipping class anyways, decide to drive out there and see if I could use my bartender charms on him and get him to sell the lock or maybe the whole door.

Damn this is a long post, Hope y'all are enjoying it.

After arriving at Boundry Road and finding the junk shop I parked near a 86 black notchback with the passenger inside panel missing, the trunk lock pushed in and a crack in the windsheild, my heart started to beat. Heres a fiero with the right color, all I'd have to do is get him to sell me the door and I'd be set.

After taking to the counter guy, he said he didn't want to chop the car up, but if I wanted the door I could have it for an obscene amount,  getting ready to bite the bullet I was about to say ok, when he pulls a fast one, he offers me the car for $600, thinkin g at first where the hell am I gonna store a full car that probably doesn't even run, my mother calls to find out what I'm doing with her grandchildren this weekend, after some talking she offers to store the car at her place.

After about 3 seconds of deliberation (the good side of me conscience got mugged pretty bad) I bought myself a 86 notchback, assuaging myself with the thought that if anything else breaks (as if that would happen) i now have a almost complete fiero to pull it from.

And this weekend I'm gonna replace my door.

And the answer to my existential question is,  buy yourself a parts car  (  Grin )
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2003, 10:29:28 pm »

Haha! Thought it might end up something like that.  Been there, done that.

I suppose it's too late to add that I know where there are  nice 84 doors (elec) for 100 each, or a whole 84 for 125, or a 3.32 econo tranny. and so on......
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« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2003, 12:17:06 pm »

Oh yet another victim surcumbs to the "well the part is x$'s but the whole damn car is twice that" Fiero school of logic

right on

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