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Author Topic: the gas price issue  (Read 1627 times)
« on: May 11, 2004, 07:32:07 pm »

there is a repeat email making the rounds; the one about 'boycotting' both Shell and Petro Canada.
I have no idea where the stats came from, but the gist is that if we (as in a LOT of) Canadians simply don't buy from Shell and PC (or try to minimize it at least) that they are big enough to bring down prices to try to "re-attract" customers.
There is a sense of logic to that.  Orchestrating the 'boycott' could be a bit tricky but the good ole internet sure helps out......

I guess I am going to do my part and give this a try. I have to admit I buy a LOT from those two specifically and so they are going to get 'dented' big time just by our cars not visiting!!!! Wink Grin Roll Eyes

I suppose if a lot of people actually buy somewhere ELSE for even a part of the summer it will make a difference and ......yes......... I suppose they WOULD try to get back some of their customers.  I don't know what else they would do?

Why not?  Nothing to lose and maybe something to gain.
I'm on board with my two cars and three gas buyers.  That's a start.  
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2004, 08:20:16 pm »

This one comes up every now and again.  It will never work as most people are too lazy to go down the block for cheaper gas.

Maybe if everyone bought from one company only.

The only real way would be for everyone to not only refuse to buy gas for one day, but also book off work and refuse to go in.  That would get some attention.  
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2004, 07:33:59 am »

Anyone got a diesel engine that will fit in a fiero?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2004, 07:53:31 am »

apparently, yes.
There is some guy in Calif I think who announced he was going to do it and up popped someone - Chicago or Detroit? - who had already done it.  I am prob off in my geography but it HAS been done........
it might show up on a search of Pennocks
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« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2004, 08:28:11 am »

OK, I'll boycott them, well actually, that's only cause there is a MR GAS right near my house and I'm too lazy to go elsewhere....................

We drive so fast , it seems as though , we take into the sky, the Fiero Machines in Harmony , Hear the Engines Cry
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2004, 08:49:40 am »

So Gary was RIGHT!!!  Again.  People will do the easy thing...  I collect both Petro Points and Shell Airmiles and have those two stations closer than any others but I am going to try to make an effort. Plus spread the word.  I wonder how many people have considered the thought I put below.........

It DOES seem really ridiculous that gas costs so much more IN Canada than in the states altho we produce it and distribute it.......

but the REAL sticker for me is: - when a tank truck dumps its load at a gas station, do you REALLY think that it isn't at a "SET" price of some sort? Do you think they DON"T have a price agreement on it?Huh??  Of course they do - you are talking big bucks for that!! 

(do you really think they say "we'll settle on the price after we see how much you can sell it for..."Huh)   hmmmm...... I have some swampland......  Show me ONE business that works that way.

And so the station gets a few hundred thousand litres at a CERTAIN price.  And then they swing the price ALL over the map all day every day claiming that the gas THEY buy costs more!!!  HUH?

They got a whole tankload at a certain, fixed price.  Now they arbitrarily add 10-15 cents a liter to that anytime they figure they can get away with it. 

THIS is the thought that gets me really PO'd.

When I see a tank truck delivering a load ONCE "per price swing", then I will believe that the STATION has rec'd a load of "MORE EXPENSIVE" gas.......
until then it is arbitrary and unacceptable gouging.  Nothing else.

 And everyone is buying their line?Huh??  Roll Eyes   Huh  Shocked  c'mon; think about this for a 1/2 second!!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2004, 08:58:16 am »

for anyone even curious; I should have put my original thoughts down in the first note; I didn't because I sort of assumed that everyone had the same thoughts, ....

maybe not. 
Check the prev note and the thread and give it some thought.
You too, Gary!!!   Grin
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