I always use this forum and realfierotech.com
Never heard of it, and I don't seem to be able to get anything if I try it?
It's nothing new, it's simply
http://pennockssucks.saturnet.net/ trying to be "respectable."
A decent amount of good tech advice there coupled with lots of the sort of attitude which normally gets people banned on PFF via the ratings system. Some people can handle it, some can't.
I stop by there once in a while for a read, but can't bring myself to participate because a) I trust Howard Sacks about as far as I can toss a 70s Lincoln Town Car, and b) find the auto editing of things like "2.8" to "boat anchor", "PFF" to "fagland", etc. incredibly childish.
As for PFF, Cliff appears to have fixed the problem sometime overnight. Unfortunately though it sounds as though he doesn't know how the hacker(s) gained the needed access to do the damage...