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Author Topic: Fiero Owners and "cheap"  (Read 3572 times)
Slammed Fiero
« on: August 17, 2005, 06:16:41 pm »

While shaun can be a dick a lot of the time , I do agree that too many people with fiero's tend to cheap out on Building a car. IF you can't afford to do it right ...Don't... you will end up with an unreliable turd with marginal performance. Using Weeze bag T3 turbo's from the wreckers , slapping on bigger injectors and strapping it all together with junkyard wastegates and homemade boost controllers isn't the right way to build a turbo car.

If you want it to be fast...and last.. You gotta spend the Dough. Im Currently Building a 2.9Ltr Corvair flat 6 Turbo and it's costing me around $4000 to build the motor. Forged Bottom end , TRW forged pistons , Turbo Cam , copper head gaskets , Safegaurd ignition system , Water to Air IC , TYurbo XS BOV , High Flow Fuel and oil pump , deep sump pan.

I have the majority of the parts , and it will take a while to build , but @ the end of it I will have a clean , reliable , fast car. I never understood people who modified cars for performance that needed other work.  On my fiero I started with a low mile car (29,000kms) Did suspension , big brakes , coilovers , then the northstar. Took me a while to build , but I didn't skimp.

Build it right the first time and get the word ""Cheap"" out of your vocabulary... It costs money to go fast and do it right

You want cheap Turbo like power.

« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2005, 07:51:52 pm »

I would have to agree from my experiences most Fiero guys are cheap, some because they simply can't afford not to be and others just because they are cheap. I suggested a 3800SC because they are built for boost from the factory, if doing any other engine would definetely suggest a full rebuild with stronger internals and every thing matched up for what boost you plan on using. Some get away with merely boosting the crap out of a high mileage stock engine but most do not and end up blowing something up or find the gains are not what they should be or what was expected. Dan
Slammed Fiero
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2005, 08:01:04 pm »

I would have to agree from my experiences most Fiero guys are cheap, some because they simply can't afford not to be and others just because they are cheap. I suggested a 3800SC because they are built for boost from the factory, if doing any other engine would definetely suggest a full rebuild with stronger internals and every thing matched up for what boost you plan on using. Some get away with merely boosting the crap out of a high mileage stock engine but most do not and end up blowing something up or find the gains are not what they should be or what was expected. Dan

With how cheap 3.8SC's are getting and the perfomance they provide bone stock , if I were to do a swap again I would do a 3.8SC 5spd instead of a Northstar.

If you want amazing budget performance.

3400 V6............... X-Thumper-X on PFF is running very impressive times in his , and when I spoke wiuth him he said the conversion was fairly easy . Low 14's in the 1/4 and dead nuts reliable

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Got vacuum. Want boost.

« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2005, 08:56:25 am »

While shaun can be a dick a lot of the time , I do agree that too many people with fiero's tend to cheap out on Building a car.

So do I; not to mention that I also agree with both your & Dan's comments which generally amount to "do it right, or don't bother."

BUT...  posting with no intent other than to insult & belittle is unacceptable, and I will continue to delete such posts unless the originators can convince me that their motivation is benign.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 09:11:48 am by dguy » Logged

1984: Track car project.
1985 SE: Dead 2.8, stalled L67 swap.
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2005, 09:18:00 am »

Thank you Don.
funny how people never see themselves in that same way they view others, huh?

complaining about how 'faulty' and 'imperfect' people can be.....  and how hard it is to put up with them etc etc.  something about a pot and a kettle comes to mind.

Yeah, fiero owners are almost ALL cheap. Fact of life due to the age and low value of the car, generally.  I have to be cheap, too, or my car would be done by now.

I would bet less than 5% are willing to spend the money they SHOULD on these unique little gems. A lot will balk at spending $5 on their car.  I have seen them directly; they ARE out there. It's too bad. These cars are going to disappear and a lot of it will be due to neglect and ignorance.

But that is just a fact.  The ones who ARE willing to spend money - that is their choice and over time they will find the people they want to talk to and compare notes with. Just the same as in every pursuit. These cars don't make anyone special; they are just statements about their owners.
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2005, 12:31:32 pm »

You would think with the majority of the owners being older gentlemen, and I use that word loosely, one would think they would have more money to put into these cars.  You are older, have worked longer, if smart made wise investments and now are resting on a big fat piggy bank.

But that seems to be the exact opposite.  Its the younger generation spending more on these cars then the old farts.  THe old farts get it because they can't afford a corvette and need a mid life crisis car.

So they get a fiero for $1k but then have a hard time justifying putting $1k into it because that is how much the car cost to begin with.  Its old people being retarded is what it is.  Then you complain that there are less and less of these cars but thats because you dipsh!ts dont' want to spend the money to maintain the cars.  There are less and less of these cars that you love to complain about because of people like yourselves.  Not willing to spend a few bucks to keep the car running.  Its Pathetic.

I hate it when people want to do stuff cheap.  Fiero owners are the only owners that always say the word cheap.  I go to many other boards and noone on those other boards use the word cheap ever.  They know what they have to pay to get performance or to just even maintain these cars.  Fiero owners are the worst bunch of guys when it comes to this.  And then you cry when you see one in the crusher.

If I hurt your feelings because I give you a hard time for being a cheapass well then toughen up.  There should be more people like me busting the balls of people that want to do stuff cheap, but not right.  I am trying to start a revolution here with the thinking of these members, but there are too many crybaby whiners who love the cheap ass method of doing things and would like to see that continue then doing things right.

Its like a big contest with Fiero owners.  Its always cost cost cost and who can do it cheaper.  Its like some competition of who can do motor swaps the cheapest but not who can do them the best or the cleanest.  Its a damn shame too.  I only see that in the fiero owner world as well.  other forums aren't like that.

I have been to a few fiero shows and the cheapness is so easy to spot.  Of course everyone says it looks good but it doesn't.  It lactually ooks like a dead hookers asshole. 

And then Fiero owners wonder why they get no respect from the rest of the community.  Its because the rest of the car community sees the cheapness too and how shitty it looks.  And you bozos keep perpetuating the cheap route over the do it correct route so outsiders minds never change.

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Got vacuum. Want boost.

« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2005, 01:21:21 pm »

Obligatory Admin-type comment:  split & moved because current topic drift no longer addresses what the original poster was asking about.


I am trying to start a revolution here with the thinking of these members, but there are too many crybaby whiners who love the cheap ass method of doing things and would like to see that continue then doing things right.

Shaun, perhaps if you weren't so bloody rude in the majority of your postings, and encouraged people to do it right or not at all without flaming, those people might actualy listen.  As frustrating as you apparently find others' frugality, I imagine that the very style in which you're promoting your revolution is more of a hindrance to your cause than it is anything else.  It's easier to draw flies with honey than it is with vinegar, and all that crap.  Hey you never know...   Huh

...but in all honesty, look at what the Fiero is, and what it currently costs to obtain one.

It's an older, sporty-looking car with an unusual configuration, and body lines which stand out from today's wheeled jelleybeans.  (at least they will until mfgr's "retro" trends catch up to the 80s)  In some jurisdictions they're also exempt from smog tests due to their age.  You can often purchase a runner for a grand, sometimes less.

You're smoking something other than tobacco if you don't expect the above to draw people who are looking for a low budget sports car, and are going to maintain/modify it on that same low budget.  ...and quite frankly I don't expect that to change unless the Fiero's value increases significantly.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 02:30:50 pm by dguy » Logged

1984: Track car project.
1985 SE: Dead 2.8, stalled L67 swap.
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2005, 02:03:51 pm »

I was by no means trying to insult any one, I was actually pointing out that some just can't afford to spend big bucks on a car. Remember now it is an old car and in most cases you never get back out of it what you put into it.
I can easily sit back and say every one do an engine swap unless you are too cheap to. But in reality I did many swaps for others to pay for mine so does that make me the cheapest of all or just lucky.
Very few people can afford to throw money at a car that is pretty much just an extra toy that they like to play with. That is why us older farts do not spend a lot on our Fiero's because we have other vehicles that we rely on daily that get the priority not to mention things like say a wife and kids to take care of. Where the younger ones have no such expenses, most of which probably still live at home. Dan
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2005, 03:47:58 pm »

I am over 50 and not an 'ol fart   Cheesy  I could have spent 50+ G's on a new Crossfire and got a 330 hp machine. But noooooooo. I spend about 16 G's on a fiero (read cheap -  ya right!) and got an older machine that goes just as fast as the new Crossfire. NOT CHEAP --- SMART
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2005, 10:46:52 pm »

The fact that the fiero is cheap from teh start would allow the person buying it to put more money into it as opposed to a car that costs $10k to buy in.

I think its hilarious when a Fiero owner gets one for $1k but then wont' invest $9k into it, but then has no problem spending $15k on a new car like a cavalier and then love it and have no prob putting more into it.

it makes no sense.  Put that same money into a fiero and its a contender.  But for some reason fiero owners are cheapasses and dont' see it that way.

Like I said its a car for many old fogies who can't afford a corvette and dont' want to put any money into it based solely on the fact that the buy in was cheap so they feel the need not to put anymore then what they bought the car for into it.
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2005, 10:49:49 pm »

And I dont' care if I upset people with my so called lack of tact.  its the God Damn truth.

Life is tough.  Hike up your god damn skirt and grow a pair of balls.

Spend the your money and do it right.  Not half assed like so many fiero people do.  Hell you dont' see Honda or DSM or Supra people spouting off the word cheap like they do here.

I swear you guys are the biggest cheapasses in the automotive world.  So dont' complain when the public gives you no respect.  You haven't done anything to change the publics opinion of the car because you are always doing things on the cheap.
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« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2005, 10:28:35 am »

Has anyone noticed that everyone that has objected to Sawn’s cheap comments here (or anywhere else on this forum) in defence of cheap Fiero owners has arguably spend a lot more money on their cars than the people they are defending.

Some people are cheep…they don’t post much here, probably less than 25% of the posts.

It can be argued that one of the main differences between a wise man and a wise guy, or intelligence vs. stupidity, is the ability to know who to listen to.  Is this guy right or is that guy right?  And before one can answer they must first realize that all is relative, and “right” is usually a mater of ones viewpoint.  There are no real absolutes.



Your only limitations are set from within, by a lack of vision.  But to have vision alone leaves the process idle.  Ergo, without action your thoughts are worthless.
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2005, 12:17:19 pm »

Has anyone noticed

yep  Wink
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