Eastern Ontario Fiero Club (EOFC)
Hey that looks familiar.
Look out, here comes the guy who types a lot.
My thoughts...
I think that to some extent two distinct things are getting blurred together here. "Club Name" vs. "something to print on a t-shirt".
With respect to the
club name, I don't feel that something as encompasing as calling ourselves the "Ontario Fiero Club" is appropriate. As spread out as we are, we are not representative of the province. Heck even if we were to join with the GTA club the combined groups would still only be a very small piece of the pie. Media spins aside, there is more to Ontario than everything to the east of the GTA.
The name "Ottawa Fiero Club" is a result of how the club started. Is it geographically accurate given our current (active) membership? Hell no. Ottawa is our origin, but is by no means any indication of attempted exclusivity. Personally I would rather not see the name changed; I'm comfortable with it as is.
Now with respect to the
t-shirts, if there's enough interest in a generic/non-OFC design which could be shared with other groups, then do it. Perhaps though it would be wise to, well, ask these other groups if they would be interested first?
Fiero memorabilia is already available in spades via eBay, and a couple of vendors on PFF. It wouldn't surprise me if, were we to offer something of our own, that it would simply become part of the greater mass and ultimately fade in to obscurity.
Comedic and commerative t-shirts aside, I look upon logo'd shirts as being a means of representing the displayed item/organization. To that end, rather than something generic I would prefer that our chosen shirt design incorporate whatever we choose to identify ourselves by.