I have these kicking around from some car(s) I used to have.....
I can only guess at what they are for but here goes:
2 oil filters; Cdn Tire P/N 17-1704-2; I THINK they are for a Blazer (circa 1998) with the 4.3 v6. You'll have to check.
1 oil filter: Cdn Tire P/N 17-1712-2; I THINK it is for an earlier Ford Explorer with the 4.0 v6. Again, check to be sure.
1 gas line filter; I think this was for the Blazer too: P/N 23-3441-8 it is pretty big.
I gas line filter; no idea what I got this one for: P/N 23-33614-8 kinda oddball...... very small.
4 New A/C Delco plugs (no, not 6...) CR43 TS in package; I'm quite sure these are for the Blazer;
1 older style truck mirror head; painted white; still in package;
If someone has one of these vehicles they are welcome to the parts that fit it; I would rather not see them go to landfill etc. I can leave them out to be picked up if we can't coordinate a time.
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