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Ottawa Fiero Club Forum  |  General  |  Mods  |  Topic: calpack programming time! « previous next »
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Author Topic: calpack programming time!  (Read 2323 times)
« on: February 19, 2003, 11:04:25 am »

Ok! Well we all know the newer ecm's are far mor complicated than the Fiero. They have such issues as pass-key, tcc lockup (we do to, but what if you are manual), speedo references ect..

Well lets make it simpler. Smiley  Who wants to help me in purchassing a calpack programming kit? we need an EMP-10 programmer, eprom eraser and some software. I already have the laptop. Smiley

Once programmed, we can mod our fuel maps, mod trouble codes! (New ecm freaking out because of no ac compressor, or no ABS breaks! shutup ecm and eat new programming!)

So who is in? i will lookup the prices, I estimate $500 for everything, split a few ways would be very affordable! and most speed shops will charge you at least $500.00 to write you a chip..
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2003, 11:25:22 am »

hi Eric
I am interested and see the value but I think my money will be tied up in that pipe bender etc etc.
I have a few sources and contacts; if you are interested and want to look around a bit; probably you already have seen this stuff; it is referenced by fiero chat rooms etc.
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2003, 11:30:11 am »

I'm in and I believe I have a credit note at your store.  Grin

Seriously, do you know what is involved if I use the Bonneville gauges?  Can I get a speedometer reading from the Fiero vss thru the Bonnie pcm and gauge?

Eric,  woohoo! As I was writing this the Purolator guy dropped off my flywheel.  If I post a couple of pics can you tell if it is like yours?  Tag says 3800 96 Camaro man flywheel.  It has the bolts on the clutch side and two pins (locating pins?)  I heard that you need new flywheel bolts as the normal heads are too thick and interfere. Not sure if that's so or not.

« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2003, 11:31:35 am »

Graeme, I think you could work it off in bending time (hint)
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2003, 12:00:56 pm »

For the PCM, we have a few routes to go by... We can set the pcm to receive the reading from our tranny using a modified VSS from a tranny that was supposed to work with the 3800 and it woill output a sinal that our speedo can understand... but since I am going manual and so are you, then we can use the stock fiero conversion, vss straight to speedo. the ecm will never care, it thinks it's always in neutral.

What we DO care about is turning off any cesors that are not used. (break related, ac related pass key, ect..)

and for performance, You can make a spare chip that has 100% boost all the time! Smiley  (harder on the SC, but really handy during king of the hill or the solo races.)

depending on your fuel delivery, cam, compression ect, we can mess with fuel curves.. but not too familiar with that just yet..
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