Try and get help with a child that is behind and they go out of their way in today's schools, try and get an advanced child some extra work or more advanced and they run and hide.
Fought the school system for years to get my daughter tested and when they did she being only in grade 5 at the time tested well above a grade 12 level on all subjects in the 99th percentile.
Which from what I have been told means if you stick her in a room with 100 other gifted kids you might find one smarter then her but seeing as there is no 100th percentile it is doubtful.
So yes I am very proud of my Daughter as well as her sisters.
The gifted program she is now in is a joke but at least she is kept some what busy to keep her love of learning alive till she gets out of the system and into a good university. Dan
"Gifted" is quite the broad adjective
I attended Trinity then Lisgar for their "gifted" program and then Earl. The workload that the students are assigned is essentially two years ahead. Being in the advanced programs does have its downfalls when attending reputable schools such as Lisgar, I finished with a 82 average and had to go back this year in order to raise my average to a 83 in order to be accepted into OttawaU for Mechanical Engineering while my mates who attended regular high-schools in Kanata half assed their way through and managed to pull +85's resulting with a reward of $2000 in tuition. Side Note: I worked my rear off as well, I just happened to land a schmuck of a teacher who gave me a 76 because I didn't kiss his ass and stood up for my self when he exploited my speech impediment by consistently asking me to read out load to the class, which might I add was followed by him mocking me with his classic impression Porky the Pig's "That's all folks!". Point is that if you want your daughter to be accepted into a reputable university and benefit financially, its best to send her to a regular high-school.
Two only schools that I know of which have a gifted program. Both require you to write an essay and attend an interview. that helps you out Dan!