Hey guys!
who is going to the cruise nigth this wendnesday?
I finish at 4:30! i can be there for approx 5pm. Woohoo! I the Sunfire! Umm.. boohooo... I miss my baby.. can somone let me sit in a GT? i need the thereapy.

On a side not to anyone who is going,
my bother is taking auto detailing courses and is REALLY REALLY GOOD! WoW! and while he is learning, he can do a full wash wax for approx $40 i think. (and were talking a sweet mirror finish! he uses mothers and meguiars pro stuff)
so you can get all spruced up beffore the show,
give him a call @ home, 837-3602 Ask for Dan.
He does my Sunfire and the Fiero.